Abstraktes digitales Kunstwerk mit miteinander verbundenen Linien und geometrischen Formen auf grauem Hintergrund. Helle und schattierte Bereiche erzeugen ein Gefühl von Tiefe und Bewegung, wobei kleine leuchtende Punkte ein dynamisches, futuristisches Gefühl vermitteln.


Damage Identification System

The Research Issue

To be able to make a binding Offer for the renovation of a natural stone wall, an identification of the individual stones and their damage is required, so that the most favourable renovation option can be chosen.

The usual method of a renovation is very complex and slightly out of place for the demands of today’s users.

Ein grauer, nach oben zeigender Pfeil kreuzt sich mit einem anderen, ähnlichen Pfeil und erzeugt so ein dynamisches und optisch ansprechendes Design auf weißem Hintergrund. Die sich überlappenden Pfeile suggerieren Bewegung und Fortschritt.

The Aim

Transparent and confident placing of contracts to the most economical priced supplier, with acceptable costs before placing the contract.

The Solution:

BIM-SIS Building Information Modelling – Schadens Identifkations System / Damage Identification System

On the basis of a damage identification with acceptable costs BIM-SIS enables a first classification of the damages with the help of an extensive database of damages and the knowledge of the renovation effort required from both literature and first hand experience.

What is BIM-SIS?

BIM-SIS means Building Information Modelling – Schadens Identifkations System / Damage Identification System

The integrated inter operable knowledge based system on the basis of the BIM-Method, which can be used for the identification of damages of natural stone walls.

BIM-SIS and its innovative methods will change the process of damage assessment of buildings fundamentally.

For this the three areas:

Ein älterer Mann mit grauem Haar und weißem Bart sitzt draußen und lächelt sanft. Er trägt ein blaues Jeanshemd und im Hintergrund sind Bäume zu sehen, die eine ruhige, natürliche Umgebung schaffen.


intelligent information management


knowledge based methods


technical separate and semantically linked data models

are linked to a semi-automatic damage identifications system.

The BIM-SIS Platform creates an innovative system for the identification of natural stone damage in existing walls.
The method of building survey for a BIM-Model the BIM certification creates a new standard for the digital survey, modelling and processing of the information about the damages in BIM. With this information later on risk and management functions can be used and a transparent renovation method can be drawn up.


Through using the BIM-SIS platform there are quite a number of advantages. The main uses are following:

The BIM-Documentation

With BIM-SIS the existing knowledge and information from the building survey based on the continuous method of the BIMification, can be shown explicitly and objectively in BIM. To achieve this, for every building documented and analysed a BIM-Model is made as a basis for all further planning steps within the BIM-SIS system.

Owing to the continuing digitalisation in the building trade we can expect that in the near future the whole existing building stock is going to be catalogued with BIM.

The Renovation for natural stone walls

The renovation planning and the methods of the implementation the renovation for natural stone walls. The overall aim of BIM-SIS is to achieve a damage analysis as cost effective and precise as possible with variable methods of renovation, in a 5D version.
(3D Model + building costs + time)
The renovation process in BIM-SIS is specialised at the moment mainly to renovate stone walls, but at a later time this can be expanded to encompass many other areas of expertise.

Maintenance and Facility management

Apart from renovating, other tasks can also be done faster and easier with the BIM-Building model.

The BIM-Building Model created for the renovation is perfectly suited to be used as a tool in facility management. The BIM-Model is a permanently updated image of the real building. With this digital twin nearly all renovation work can be assisted and empowered.

The BIM-SIS - Innovations

A Damage identification system,

based on damage templates (Templates), structured in building element related damages and damages which are derived from these.

Graues Glühbirnensymbol mit drei nach oben zeigenden Pfeilen darin, als Symbol für Innovation und Wachstum.

Knowledge Base,

based on the damage templates.

Multimodel System

with reaction for claim management.

Examples of use

Schloss Promnitz


Locate the damaged area

Illustration einer Person, die ein Smartphone hält und die Kamera auf ein gelbes Backsteingebäude mit weiß gerahmten Fenstern und einem grauen Dach im Hintergrund richtet.

Damage registration

e.g. via tablet

Screenshot of the BIM-SIS damage identification system interface. The left side shows a 3D building model with highlighted damage, while the right side lists categories, with Stone Damage selected. Various tool icons are at the top.




  • Damage survey with digital methods.
  • Identification and analysis of pattern of damage.
  • Easy deduction of alternative solutions, maximal und minimal solving strategies for damage-, renovation-, and costs scenarios.
  • Decision support for choosing the renovation method. Renovation concept.
  • BIM-Model can also be used as a communication platform fur further actions.
  • Ability to include digitalised expert knowledge.
  • Cost security for the pre calculation and the tendering process.
Nahaufnahme einer modernen Gebäudefassade mit kontrastierenden Designs: eine Seite mit horizontalen Linien und die andere mit geometrischen, eckigen Mustern, die einen 3D-Effekt erzeugen. Die Struktur besteht aus metallischen Materialien in verschiedenen Silber- und Grautönen.

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